President Obama Bringing Troops Home By Thanksgiving
4,400 American soldiers lost there lives, over 9 years and 1 trillion dollars later President Obama has promised to bring the soldiers home by Thanksgiving. Mr. President, despite opposition and ratings falling from supporters that believed in his Change campaign, is going to end the year with a power move promising the last troops will be home no later than Dec. 31st. Americans that believed the war was started in false pretenses will all be breathing a sigh of relief. I have to say this move should all but guarantee a 2012 re-election when you start to look at the accomplishments of the last few months. Its going to be interesting to revisit the blog at the beginning of 2012 with the ratings after all the troops are returned and the president gets to say "I told you I was going to bring them home", "What more can I say?"
Whats Your Opinion of The Move By President Obama???