Tuesday, August 30, 2011


MR. CARTER         VS     MR. CARTER
If your an old school hip hop head this photo takes you back to battles that included "The Bridge Is Over" by B.D.P. battling TheJuice Crew.If your the next generation you might remember the feeling you got when u 
first heard "Hit Em Up" by The Outlawz aimed at Bad Boy. From an outsiders view its impossible to guess
whats going on in each artist head. It may be a personal egotistic strategy or a calculated marketing plan.
Listening to the buzz online about the diss track Lil Wayne aimed at Jay-Z, it was an answer to "H.A.M". 
where Jay says "You got baby money/ keep it real with n*ggas/ n*ggas aint got my lady money". Although
Wayne responded in the Oct./Nov. issue of Vibe "I know there wont be any repurcussions", why did he
take the bait??? The verse in "H.A.M". could be taken either or but the verse in Wayne's track was a
direct shot at Jay-Z. In the track "Im Good" Wayne spit "Talkin bout Baby money/ I got yo baby money/
kidnap yo b*tch get that how much you love yo lady money/ I know you fake n*gga/ press yo brakes
n*gga/ I'll take you out, thats a date n*gga. What a tangled web we weave when Lil Wayne has done
tracks with Beyonce' and Jay-Z also sharing the same last name as the married couple. Early in Waynes
career alot of the beef was internal between him and The Hot Boys eventually Wayne battling himself
and demons within. Jay-Z battled Nas in a classic that ended with Ether where both artist apologized
and teamed up in front of and behind the mic to get money together. With the release of "Watch The
Throne", Aug. 8th and 3 weeks later "Tha Carter IV", its a race to the finish line. I've heard both
diss songs but haven't taken both cds to the lab. Who's the best rapper alive??? People lie #s
dont, but I will leave that choice up to you. Next week its CARTER VS CARTER Pt.2


  1. You the best darn DAJOURNALIST I know!!!! This is a great piece!!! I mean it man!!! I think the diss was put out to cause a buzz to try and sell more CDs. You know how they do it.

  2. although the first week sales were 940,000 for Wayne and 430,000 by Kanye and Jay-Z listen to Watch The Throne some still may have not because it took me awhile before i discovered it was one of the greatest albums of recent releases probably in the last 10 yrs or so.
