Monday, October 10, 2011



When Steve Jobs dropped out of college his mind connected the dots to follow his heart and drop in on a calligraphy class. Who says you have to graduate from college with the classes that are not necessarily your choice. A man that eventually changed the course of technology was put up for adoption by his unwed graduate student mother. His biological mother insisted he be adopted by a family that both graduated from college and refused to sign the adoption papers. The couple insured her that he would go to college and she decided to go ahead with the adoption. Seventeen years later he dropped back in to college but realized after six months he didn't want to spend his parents life savings on his education. Who had any idea the calligraphy classes he took twenty-seven years prior would change the face of computers with such a detailed typography in the introduction to the Mac. When you follow your heart no matter the path it takes you, connecting the dots gives you an image that you see in the picture above. It took Steve Jobs to be fired from a company that he helped start to start from scratch with his creative process. Within 5 years he formed Next and Pixar which is the most successful and first computer animated studio. I'm not going to bore you with the accomplishments of this tech wizard  because we all know he changed the way we look at photos, computers, television and listen to music. He modeled his career after Edwin H. Land the inventor of instant photography and founder of Polaroid Corporation. Some might ask how a college drop out could turn a distribution deal with Disney and his company Pixar into Disney purchasing Pixar in 2006 in an all-stock transaction worth 7.4 billion??? You might have to read the authorized biography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson, which will be on the shelf on October 24th, compiled of 30 interviews with Steve and sure to break down the drive and perfectionism that lead to 342 patents and one of the 17 most powerful people in 2011 Forbes Magazine. The announcement of his death on October 5th of 2011 at the young age of 56 made me realize what his impact of the world was but I also thought of the statement "Live everyday like its your last, because one day you will be right".

If you didn't know, now you know.......... Peace and Blessings


1 comment:

  1. Short and to the point. Great post! I heard someone say that Steve Jobs was the Thomas Edison of our time and I definitely agree!
