Monday, October 31, 2011


Steve Jobs Warned Obama of 1 Term Presidency

In the fall of 2010 Steve Jobs met with President Obama at the San Francisco airport. The meeting almost did not happen because Jobs was waiting for an invitation. This was revealed in the biography written by Walter Isaacson that was released Oct. 24th. His intentions were to actually help  President Obama on his re-election in 2012 by designing ads. Jobs had an idea that the president should meet with CEO's to create  more business friendly policies. When the list became too long in Jobs opinion he decided not to show. Its obvious that because regulations and cost of US companies building factories here they are making moves to China and abroad. He also was opinionated about our education system stating that the teacher's union were partially to be blamed for low performing schools and educators. Jobs insisted on longer school days and school years that last 11 months.

The numbers for sales will not be available for a few more days but here is a display setting from a bookstore in China. The October released book is number #1 on kindle, ibookstore and Though released late in the year its still predicted to finish at #1 for the year. Sony Films has already purchased the books rights.

Whats Your Opinion of Jobs Better America???

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