Thursday, October 6, 2011

the oprah facebook interview


September 9, 2011 after 25 years of enlightenment, teaching and interviewing people for over 4,561 shows, Oprah was interviewed live on Facebook with Sheryl Sandberg the company's COO. Sheryl's journey to the company came by way of The Department of Treasury via Google inc. Quite a journey for a 41 year old Internet entrepeneur becoming a voice to be heard and businesswoman that even Oprah can't wait to meet. Sheryl welcomed Oprah and her 7.4 million followers to connect with the rest of the world. The mission of Facebook being we want every person in the world to connect and Oprah's to help each individual find their inner purpose is a perfect combination to reach and teach everyone. With a lightning round of questions Sandberg asked some of Oprah's favorites from Jay-Z or Paul Simon? Deep dish or thin crust ? Peanut butter or bacon? In the midst of all the power each woman contained within them there was always room for negativity. Oprah mentioned a show she did with the Skinheads and another with a husband his mistress and wife. From there she decided to never do shows that gave a platform for evil or darkness. The interview was a powerful and on target direction we should all realize to elevate whatever platform we stand on. It helped me with the direction of this particular article and I've always tried to see the upside of any situation. One of the most important questions that Sheryl Sandberg asked Oprah in that lightning round of questions was did she prefer the journey or the destination? Her answer was the journey and I believe that its along that route that you really discover your purpose and when that bell rings in your head their is no other feeling like it.
"If I have given you a spoonful of consciousness that's the key", Oprah Winfrey

If you didn't know, now you know Peace and Blessings



  1. Great article. I think Oprah is a beautiful person. Some don't like her because they feel she doesn't do enough for her own kind...I don't care it's her money, she can spend it however she chooses and she shares her passions with humankind. big ups to her!!!!!!

  2. Yes I was impacted by listening to the interview it changed the direction of my article in this day of shock value entertainment and information is in need of ppl in tune with their spirit. Thnx 4 the support
