Friday, September 2, 2011

Celebrity Relationships or "Ordinary People"???

                      Celebrity Relationships  
              Are They Just Ordinary People???

The stress put on any relationship is magnified when you have to deal with the media and industry friends
in your ear. Some believe celebrities should seek mates that have  nothing to do with the industry and others seem to enjoy the the publicity ride. The problems most of these couples face go deeper than any tabloid and wider than any tv screen. We fail to realize that character is developed long before we knew anything about these stars. Once these patterns have developed its hard to tell a grown man or woman what they should or should not be doing. In all reality when a person searches for a mate they look for a person that has something to bring to the table. For this reason we see celebrities paired up and working class involved with people they work with or in the same tax bracket.

In LeBrons case he and several athletes, hes got a sidekick from his hometown. Yes sidekick thats the word he used describing his eight year relationship with Savannah Brinson the mother of his two sons. LeBron said "A person like myself needs a great sidekick". Is Savannah settling or smart enough to play the role??? Although she was against moving from their Cleveland mansion when he decided to take his talents to South Beach, Savannah was quoted saying "Whatever LeBron felt was comfortable, im with him." Her mom said "If LeBron is going to do something shady, he can do that around the corner. I do recall during last years finals LeBron's performance was reported to be lack luster because rumors of her tipping out with another ball player. Things happen but the point of the matter is they have managed to keep the flame going and the media out of their business.

The biggest question right now is the status of Wil and Jada. It seems no matter how understanding and open a mega couple leave from the alter the odds are against the survival of their relationship. The media has Wil and Jada on the brink of divorce but Mr. Smith has put it out that their is no problems in paradise. Having an open relationship seems to be the trend these days. When you can make it fourteen years like this couple that equates to like thirty years in hollywood dog years. Its to bad that negativity is what rules the airwaves and cyberspace. Instead of your friends and fans cheering your relationship the minute we hear about a rumor in any relationship the first reaction is usually I KNEW IT. I guess when your not happy its easy to pray on others downfall. My opinion on an open relationship there is always an option and who wants to be in a marriage and considered an option for your husband or wife??? Didnt anybody see the movie "Trois"??? These "ordinary people" need to be given a chance and I guess some people need to find them some business. Thats my word for today and if u didnt know...know you know



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