Thursday, September 22, 2011

Touré: Tyler Perry is 'worst director' | Welcome to

Touré: Tyler Perry is 'worst director' Welcome to Although Tyler has made a big difference in Hollywood I have been on location at a few of his movies and the majority of his crew was not African Americans. I'm not in love with the message style of Madea but he gets to the masses and makes them laugh. I wouldn't go as far to say its cinematic malt liquor but its definitely buffoonery. The bottom line is Tyler has changed the approach to African American talent to Hollywood and showed his staying power on television. I wish he would have showed up at CNN to defend himself and his cause. However word is that he does pay his hired hands close to minimum wage in industry terms. After spending two years in Atlanta I have yet to see the man anywhere but I have never been to his studio and surely the man works hard. Obviously passing Steven Spielberg, Jerry Bruckheimer and even Simon.

whats your opinion on the Toure comment???


  1. if he pays at scale, he wont make his money, but in these times people will work or anything thinking they have their foot in the door

  2. Its unfortunate that we hear certain names and think we got it made. The ultimate rush for me if im in that position is seeing others that I help...not how much I can pile in my own safe

  3. I see everyone's point of view but I know that everybody is not going to always like everything someone does. Tyler has changed TV and movies when it comes to seeing my people on the screen. Lots of time when we don't hear about stars giving back, it's not because they are not but we just don't hear about the good things as often. If only we could start lifting our people more and stop always finding the negatives. Toure stop hating and get in where you fit in.

  4. Uplift is a good idea we should be more worried if ppl dont mention our name. #CREATEYOUROWNDESTINY
