Sunday, September 11, 2011

Peace... lights back on


As I sit and try to focus on the content of this blog its no doubt whats on everyones mind this day of rememberance. My mind as an objective journalist is to always seek the truth and purpose of every event. I can hear "Taps" being played in the background of the ceremony on tv this morning along with family members paying homage. Paul Simon one of the greatest song writers of all time is singing a song called "Silence". Its important to me that my thoughts are relayed to you just as they come to my mind. Usually I take a subject think about it and write my thoughts down but this day I want this story to go wherever my fingers take me as I'm typing. I do recall ten years ago I was a telemarketer at DIALAMERICA Mktg. The group of associates came from all walks of life. Uniquely we bonded as sales people no matter what was going on outside of the bulding. When it came time for business we made those sales. That was the common thread between aspiring rappers, college students, lazy weed smokers, parolees, spoiled kids, low self esteem broken women, mature associates who led great examples and self motivated entrepeneurs. If I missed your category leave me a comment. The point of the matter is no matter what issues we had amongst each other we made a record number of sales in that building. I was on the phones that morning and after several people hung up on me  I remember one person saying "do you know whats going on right now?". Several people where getting the same reaction and we all went to the conference room and just as we turned on the tv we caught the crash of the second plane live on air. One of the associates her dad was an air force pilot and because their was so much confusion about what was going on I remember her crying and alot of people consoling her. As a sales team that had done record numbers of sales we were now faced with a very touchy situation. How were we to approach this situation being that we all had mortgages, rent to pay, child support and car payments to make? We couldn't work for weeks and the impact of that day economically is still being felt today. I felt at that moment a certain bond being made between these people. Although we are now in different cities we still reach out to each other.We may have started as a group that didnt agree or even like each other but the outcome was a great bond that will last a lifetime. I suggested that we have a reunion this summer that didn't happen but maybe next summer. My point is instead of pointing the finger at who has the strangest name on facebook or whos lying about who they really are, lets concentrate on what we can find thats positive in each other. As you read this story I hope that you send it to someone who might have been a part of this group that I may have forgot to message because I cant remember everyone that was there. The idea is to share your thoughts and comments reflecting the positive about this day. Everyone has opinions and fingers to point but my mind leading up to this day said make it a positive. So as i can hear the army bugle playing "Taps" in B flat, in the service that usually represents lights out, lets use this as an opportunity 10 years later to turn the lights back on. I'm gonna end this with a quote from James Dean. "Dream as if you'll live forever". "Live as if you'll die today".......... God Bless the dead

                                              If you didnt know, now you know  PEACE



  1. Like you, I was at work. One thing about that day and days following, I remember people being very friendly and outpouring of generosity. This impact bonded all Americans. I pray for all the families that lost love ones and may they find peace. I pray for everyone. Peace to you!

  2. Its a good idea to look for the positive everybody gets satisfaction out of pointing the fimger thats not gonna solve anything peace to u as well

  3. I remember that day. I was pregnant w/my youngest son and working at good ole Dialamerica lol Podg i believe u was already on the phones when i got there bc i dont remember talking to anyone what I do remember is not being able to get thru to anyone like whats going on. I slightly remember you saying something and all of us in the conference looking at the television it unbelievable and that unbelief quickly turned into sadness and why. Why was this happening to theses people? It was a tragedy. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones and to those who were injured. I thank GOD for my family and friends that are still with me. MUCH LOVE TO THE 9/11 VICTIMS!

  4. Yeh it was a moment almost froze in time much respect to all the deceased families and all the ppl it brought me closer to.....

  5. I was home sleeping...(quiet...peace filled) out sick that day when Bertha called like "Tammy wake up get up we've been attacked!" Still dazed & confused.. like wth u talkin about slowly coming to a focus as a turn on the tv...watching... listening ...grabbin my covers a lil tighter pullin them up to my chin... feelinsome fear creepin in. Home alone started callin my fam & just wanting to be w/them if that was my last day here.... Nice blog y aren't there more post ppl

  6. Thanks for the compliment I feel we all bonded that day even tho u were playin sick (smile) the days and weeks were rough but we all hung in there. I was at dial until the summer of 03 so anything that didnt kill us only made us stronger. As to why more ppl arent posting.....some dont know, some dont show or give a &$@# whats goin on in the hood. Lol seriously im just gettin started let some folks know and sign up as a member

  7. M positive memory is that I was able to help a friend/co worker that day and was able to make our home safe with my children, and that so many people bonded that day, people who never spoke to one anotheralone that day....

  8. Thanks for sharing. In our office it was great to see all ppl of all walks of life come together. It gave us all understanding and appreciation of what we had. I still feel that bond
