Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Its no doubt that social media makes the world go round. Every person that surfs the net today spends a big portion of their time on social networks.  Facebooks ever changing face is worth 70 billion which has converted over to corporate america in a big way. This addictive sight has recently got on many peoples nerves with the changes but have retained over 750 million peoples attention. How many times have you said "I'm deleting my facebook? ' Next in line surprisingly to some, is youtube with an undocumented 1 billion views or so daily. Im not sure what makes the views so hard to document but the 3 former employees of paypal made youtube one of the fastest growing sites in the summer of 2006. Many people have partnered with youtube in search of the $2.50 per 1,000 views or launched shows trying to get famous. The big question is does youtube own my videos or do I own them? In the terms of service that most don't take the time to read, it states that the person still owns the copyright but grants youtube a non-exclusive , worlwide license to re-distribute, re-publish and make money off your videos. I'm not gonna go deep into how to protect yourself and legalities that protect you, but I am developing a blog dedicated to the social networks. Best thing to remember when bringing in a videographer for your work is to have a work-for-hire freelance videographer agreement so you own the video unless you want the videographer to own them. Its also hard to count tweets and retweets but next in line is Twitter. With over 200 million users its the most rapidly moving social site of them all. Because it lacks the privacy settings of other sites its often the platform of celebrity "twitter beef". A recent fight took place with Fab and Ray J this weekend in Vegas when Fab and some other rappers joked on twitter about Ray J performing "One Wish" for Floyd Mayweather on his 24/7 show on HBO. Ray J approached Faboloso and a little tussle followed its crazy but twitter is instantly trending worldwide with hashtags that go global like #thingsharderthanrayj. You don't even have to be on twitter to hashtag a conversation and see whats being said all over the globe about the subject. Its hard to believe but Myspace is not dead yet. Recently being acquired by Specific, Media Inc. , and having Justin Timberlake as a part owner they may still rise from the grave. Last but not least is the infant of the group, GOOGLE+. Newly launched in June of 2011 they have surpassed 25 million users.  Is Google+ ready to challenge Facebook with unlimited resources? Did I mention they own Youtube? As a matter of fact, watch a live google+ hangout with @ 9pm tonight. If google is your homepage you saw this big advertisement by the leader of The Blackeyed Peas. STAY TUNED


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